

calendar_month 2024/8/23

location_on 都内某所


  • 2024/6/7


  • 2024/7/1




    意見募集で多く意見の上がったEN 2ndライブへの祝花送付案につきましては、本企画の主旨である「活動3周年記念の応援広告」から離れてしまう為本企画では実施致しません。

    Thank you for responding to our call for opinions. As a result of your feedback and the consideration of the project team members, we have decided to place another cheering ad in a different location in Japan.

    We are considering placing an advertisement in Hirakata, Osaka, in conjunction with the event 'Holocity' at Hirakata Park from 24 August, in which Hakos Baelz will show up.
    We will inform you as soon as the location is decided.

    Please note that the idea of sending congratulatory flowers to EN's 2nd live concert, which received a lot of feedback, will not be implemented, as it is outside the main purpose of this project, which is to celebrate Bae’s 3rd anniversary as a member of hololive EN with a cheering ad.

  • 2024/7/29




    場所:大阪府枚方市岡本町7-1 枚方ビオルネ正面玄関前 ひらかた防災ビジョン


    回数:各回15秒 1時間あたり4回放映

    その他ご質問等ございましたらXアカウント ネズミちゃんお㊗️い企画(@Brats2024JP)までご連絡ください。


    We are pleased to announce that an additional location has been confirmed for another cheering ad.

    The advertisement will be displayed on Hirakata VIE.ORNER vision at Hirakata VIE.ORNER, a commercial facility in Hirakata City, Osaka, for 17 days, starting from 23 Aug (Fri).

    Reflecting this change, the term of fundraising for ads is prolonged: the final day will be August 10, (Sat), 23:59 (JST). We will be grateful if you give us your additional supports.

    Place: Osaka, Hirakata city, Oamoto-cho 7-1, the front of the Hirakata VIE.ORNER entrance, VIE.ORNER vision

    Time: 2024, August 23 (Fri)-2024, September 8 (Sun)

    An 15-second video is displayed 4 times in an hour

    The cheering ad to be displayed on the Hirakata VIE.ORNER vision will be a different version of the other one displayed in Tokyo.
    Those who support us “with two or more units” will receive data of illustrations (with and without text) of ads for Tokyo and for Osaka respectively.
    Please carefully note that the nearest station to the advertisement is not the one of Hirakata Park, where "hololiveCITY" is held at the same time.
    If you have any further questions, please contact us, @Brats2024JP via X.

    We apologise for sudden additional information just a few days before the end of fundraising.
    We would be very grateful if you could share as much as possible on SNS until the final day for fundraising.

  • 2024/8/22

    東京メトロ 日比谷線 秋葉原での応援広告掲載がスタートしました!

    8/19(月)より、東京メトロ 日比谷線 秋葉原での応援広告掲載がスタートしました!

    Xでの告知ポスト→ https://x.com/Brats2024JP/status/1825367081715732914

    From August 19 (Mon), a cheering ad has been displayed at Akihabara station, Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line!
    The period of display is from August 19 (Mon) to August 25 (Sun).

    Announcement post in X → https://x.com/Brats2024JP/status/1825367081715732914



    ・公共機関での掲載となります。写真撮影のために長時間占領をしたり、道を塞ぐ、土下座をするなどの通行される方の迷惑になる行為は絶対にお辞め下さい。 ご協力をよろしくお願いします。

    [When you view the cheering ad at the spot]
    -This cheering ad was planned and made by fan volunteers. Please refrain from contacting station staff or contacting Cover Inc. or Hakos Baelz.
    -The advertisement is displayed in a public place. Please do not occupy the space for long periods of time, block the road, get down on your knees, or otherwise cause inconvenience to passers-by to take photographs.



    Regarding the publication of the names of all crowdfunding supporters on social networking sites,
    We are planning to do so on X after the display period in Hirakata ends!
    We will inform you as soon as the post is completed.

  • 2024/8/25


    8/23(金)より、枚方ビオルネ 正面玄関前 ひらかた防災ビジョンでの応援広告掲載がスタートしました!
    ※hololive CITY'24 が開催中のひらかたパークの最寄り駅(枚方公園駅)と、枚方ビオルネの最寄り駅(枚方市駅)は隣の駅ですが距離が離れていますので、現地まで足を運ばれる際はお間違いのないようにご注意ください。



    From August 23 (Fri) , we have started to display a cheering ad on Hirakata VIE.ORNER vision in front of the main entrance of Hirakata VIE.ORNER!
    The nearest station to Hirakata Park (Hirakata Park Station), where hololive CITY'24 is being held, and the nearest station to Hirakata VIE.ORNER (Hirakata City Station) are next to each other, but they are far apart, so please make sure not to make a mistake when you go to see the ad.

    The advertisement period is from August 23(Fri) to September 8(Sun) .
    This is a video cheering ad!

    Announcement post in X → https://x.com/Brats2024JP/status/1826816766796046659



    ・公共機関での掲載となります。写真撮影のために長時間占領をしたり、道を塞ぐ、土下座をするなどの通行される方の迷惑になる行為は絶対にお辞め下さい。 ご協力をよろしくお願いします。

    [Please be careful when you view the ad on site]

    This cheering ad is made by fan volunteers. Please refrain from contacting commercial facilities, COVER corporation, and Hakos Baelz.

    -The advertisement will be displayed in a public place. Please do not occupy the area for long periods of time, block the road, get down on your knees and otherwise cause inconvenience to passers-by to take photographs.


    (※五十音順・敬称略 掲載無希望の方を除く)

    お名前掲載のポスト → https://x.com/Brats2024JP/status/1826841391168880833



    We have also listed the names of everyone who funded our project on X!
    (* In alphabetical order, honorary titles omitted. Except for those who have requested not to be listed)

    Posting of your name on the website → https://x.com/Brats2024JP/status/1826841391168880833

    We are going to announce the details of the returns for two or more crowdfunding units after all the cheering ad displays (Akihabara and Hirakata) end.

    Thanks to your enthusiastic support, we were able to successfully display two cheering ads in two locations.
    Thank you very much for your support!
    Let's enjoy Hakos Baelz's third anniversary further!

  • 2024/9/11



    Cheering ad display in Akihabara and Hirakata are successful finished.

  • 2024/9/11


  • 2024/9/11




